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Geschrieben von emilie.d. am 12.01.2018, 11:21 Uhr

Es geht um Tag-Nacht Rhythmen - nicht um absolute Lichtmengen.

S. Ich hab Dir mal einen kleinen teil rauskopiert.

Retinal dopamine is normally produced on a diurnal cycle — ramping up during the day — and it tells the eye to switch from rod-based, nighttime vision to cone-based, daytime vision. Researchers now suspect that under dim (typically indoor) lighting, the cycle is disrupted, with consequences for eye growth. “If our system does not get a strong enough diurnal rhythm, things go out of control,” says Ashby, who is now at the University of Canberra. “The system starts to get a bit noisy and noisy means that it just grows in its own irregular fashion.”

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