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Geschrieben von Cyrus am 27.10.2012, 16:14 Uhr

old pulsiva had a farm

Old pulsiva had a farm, hiahiaho
and on her farm she had some snow, hiahiaho
with a snowflake here and a snowflake there
here snow, there snow, everywhere snow snow

Old pulsiva had a farm, hiahiaho
and on her farm she had some cows, hiahiaho
with a muhh muhh here and a muhh muhh there
here muh, there muh, everywhere muh muh

Old pulsiva had a farm, hiahiaho
and on her farm she had some cones, hiahiaho
with a fir cone here and a fir cone there
here cone, there cone, everywhere fir cone

Old pulsiva had a farm, hiahiaho
and on her farm she had some guests, hiahiaho
with a crackpot here and a crackpot there
here crackpot, there crackpot, everywhere crackpot

Old pulsiva had a farmm huiahiaho....

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